Simple Ideas for a Vertical Vegetable Garden

There is only one option when you are short on space and have nowhere else to expand. You can fit a lot more into the area you have if you use the correct crops, vertical supports, and wall-hugging planters. We’ll look at how to design a vertical vegetable garden to maximize your space.

A sensible strategy to start growing upwards for plants is to climb. Vegetables that can trained up supports include sprawling varieties of zucchini, cucumber, melon, and squash as well as pole beans, climbing peas, sweet potatoes, and vining tomatoes.

Allow plants to climb supports on their own or connect them to the supports at regular intervals to encourage growth. Skyward plants can find support from a variety of structures. Ranging from straightforward rows of bamboo canes to intricate or ornamental structures. With climbers like grapevines or passionfruits. How about climbing squashes or beans with colorful pods or fruits, arbors and arches appear complete. The fruit or pods will then hang down to form a mouthwatering and eye-catching feature.

A wall of climbing vegetables or sweet peas could supported by trellis. Either purchased or, as in this case, built from woody prunings. Obelisks and pergolas provide aesthetic options for growing vertically. While wicker or bamboo wigwams provide a more space-efficient and, arguably, more appealing, alternative to the typical rows of canes.

Numerous support choices are available in our garden planner and may picked out and dragged into your garden plan. Many tree fruits can trained to grow vertically along freestanding wire supports or up against a wall or fence. Just a few examples include cherries, pears, and apples.

These trees can trained to grow into espaliers with parallel branches, single-stem cordons, fan shapes, or other forms that cling to fences. To construct the essential supports for wall-trained fruit, place strong horizontal wires stressed between fence posts.

Blackberries and other cane fruits naturally develop to be tall. The canes frequently topple down to cover nearby crops if left unattended. They will kept in line by parallel cables fastened between upright posts.

Choose from a variety of plants in our Garden Planner that take up little room, like this apple cordon. You can choose and position supporting structures with the Planner’s assistance. For instance, these pole beans require some bamboo canes to climb up.

Include any number of wall-mounted or stepped planters, planting pockets, tower planters. And hanging baskets to make your garden work harder for you. Watch as a barren area comes to life as you fill it with herbs, salads, and strawberries. The Garden Planner gives numerous suggestions for appropriate containers. For an explanation of each and its applicability for your garden, just click the Information button.

You can create your own wall-mounted planters using plastic-lined recycled food tins, strong bags, or parallel rows of window boxes or tubs. Old pallets are easily accessible, and making vertical planters out of them is a fantastic way to reuse them. By searching for the pallet stamp, make sure they are secure for reuse.

Before adding planting soil, hammer or hang your repurposed containers into place.

Due to the rain shadow that the wall casts, wall-mounted planters are likely to need regular watering. Water is efficiently delivered using micro or drip irrigation systems, which can also automate the process by using a timer. The substantial weight of damp potting soil must be supported by walls or fences that are sturdy enough to do so. In the majority of regions, you’ll want to maximize the sun’s benefits by choosing a surface that faces the midday or late-afternoon sun.

Any heat that is absorbed during the day will be returned to your plants at night. Accelerating growth and, of course, harvest time.

You can maximize a tiny space by using the proper mix of crops that grow vertically, supports, and appropriate containers. There are, of course, a lot of additional designs for vertical vegetable gardens.